Week 6: A Momentary Lull.


Hey everyone,

Week 6 was like hitting the pause button. Just one session this week, a short stint at the NL100/NL200 ante tables.

Monday’s session was a quick dance, but ended up $200 in the red. It was a brief outing, more of a toe-dip than a dive.

| Date       | Weekday | Topic | Hours | Stakes                | Profit session |
| ---------- | ------- | ----- | ----- | --------------------- | -------------- |
| 2023-10-16 | Monday  | Grind | 1.23  | NL100 ante/NL200 ante | -$200.00       |

This week was a whisper in the poker journey, a momentary lull before the next big play. It’s all about pacing in this game.

Back at it soon,
