Week 4: Quality Over Quantity.


What’s up, peeps

Week 4 was a textbook case of “less is more.” Dropped the playing hours but upped the game quality. Started with a solid study session in GTOWizard on Monday to sharpen the edges.

Only hit the tables two days this week, but those sessions went very well. Wednesday was a killer day at NL100 ante, locking in a sweet $677 in just over an hour, followed by a steady $50 in the next session. Rounded off Saturday with a decent $117 over a 2.5-hour grind.

| Date       | Weekday   | Topic | Hours | Stakes     | Profit session |
| ---------- | --------- | ----- | ----- | ---------- | -------------- |
| 2023-10-02 | Monday    | Study | 1.00  |            |                |
| 2023-10-04 | Wednesday | Grind | 1.05  | NL100 ante | $677.00        |
| 2023-10-04 | Wednesday | Grind | 2.00  | NL100 ante | $50.00         |
| 2023-10-07 | Saturday  | Grind | 2.30  | NL100 ante | $117.00        |
| Totals     |           |       | 6.35  |            | $844.00        |

This week was all about making each hand count.

Keep grinding smart, folks,
