Decided to lump together last two weeks, since the volume was so low. It was a bit swingy. From the highs of a triumphant Saturday session to the lows of a tough Monday, it was a couple of weeks filled with intense emotions and valuable learnings.
Session Breakdown
Here’s a quick overview of how the week unfolded:
| Date | Weekday | Topic | Hours | Stakes | Profit session |
| ---------- | -------- | ----- | ----- | ---------- | -------------- |
| 2023-11-18 | Saturday | Grind | 1.40 | NL100 ante | $126.00 |
| 2023-11-20 | Monday | Grind | 1.93 | NL100 ante | -$475.00 |
| 2023-11-21 | Tuesday | Study | 1.00 | | |
| 2023-11-26 | Saturday | Grind | 2.22 | NL100 ante | $536.00 |
| Totals | | | 6.55 | | $187.00 |
The Study Session
Tuesday’s study session was a time for reflection and analysis. Going through Monday’s game, I identified key areas for improvement. Focusing on hand selection and emotional control were top priorities.
The final session on the following Saturday was a testament to the power of learning from mistakes. Improved decision-making and a calmer mindset contributed to a significant win, ending the week on a high note.